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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko Psitulmnie w Zabrzu

A few years ago, a cat arrived at our shelter on August 3, 2019. She was brought in by a lady from ul. Bytomska but was found in the garden plots near the Młodego Górnika housing estate. It turned out that the cat had already been spayed. We don't know if she used to be a stray cat or if she escaped from someone. Unfortunately, because she was brought in outside of our office hours, we have limited details about her finding and the reasons for her arrival. This kitty is well-tamed, gets along with other cats, and loves a good meal. She uses the litter box. If we can't locate her previous owners or caregivers, she'll be looking for a new, loving home. She'll be available for adoption, already microchipped, with a health record, up-to-date vaccinations, and dewormed.

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